Before anything else, I’d like to inform you guys of two new features in our LOVEPOST.
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“TROUBLED HEART” is for our friends with love problems. Everybody is welcome to post their advice.
To those who had posted, and continue to post comments since LOVEPOST started, please accept my apologies for the long delay. Thanks for your continued support and God Bless!
One of our Facebook friends, whom I shall call only as Ms BB of the United Arab Emirates, fears she is starting to lose her boyfriend. She wants to know if signs she has been noticing indicate that her boyfriend is starting to fall out of love with her.
If your lover is starting to fall out of love, here are 12 SIGNS you will see:
Both phone calls and text messages are DECREASING in frequency and getting shorter as days go by.
Complaints of either being TOO BUSY or TOO TIRED to go out with you even for coffee or snacks are getting more often than before.
If he or she readily says ‘Yes’ before, your lover now gives all the possible reasons why you can’t go out on a date.
From being understanding and loving, your lover now finds something wrong in anything you say or do, or even in the clothes you wear, whenever you’re out on a date. As if you never do anything right.
From quietly accepting who and what you are, your lover’s getting more critical with what he or she doesn’t like about you. Instead of saying it nicely, or politely, your lover’s getting sarcastic and insulting.
From being patient, your lover now raises hell, even in public, at your slightest mistake.
From being sweet, your lover hardly hugs and kisses you anymore, not even a ‘good night’ smack. Instead of being appreciated and returned, your hugs and kisses, or ‘lambing’, are rejected outright, if not deflected.
Your lover no longer introduces you to friends and relatives.
From being inseparable, your lover now wants to spend more time with friends than you, to the point of NOT EVEN ASKING YOU if you’d like to tag along.
Your lover’s losing, or has totally lost, interest in the things you love, like your favorite food or diners, or movies.
From notifying you first, your lover now socializes or does things with or without your permission.
And most of all, your lover’s getting more and more vocal about another person and why he or she is much better and prettier than you. 30
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