This is a repost requested by a close, personal friend from Paranaque. I hope you won't mind, guys.
Two female friends of mine, from Las PInas and Pasig, are now broken-hearted following their breakup with their lovers of several years. Reason: ANOTHER GIRL!
So allow me to remind you, boys and girls, on why you should be FIRM AND DECISIVE, and I mean immediately, once CHEATING STRIKES your relationship.
As much as possible, END THE RELATIONSHIP on the spot.
No matter how long you’ve been together. No matter what hellish or earth-shaking trials you’ve gone through. Whether you caught him in or out of another woman’s bed.
The cheating is SOILD PROOF that your partner no longer cares for you. Your feelings are no longer important. You’re just another ordinary person, not the special someone you used to be!
By cheating on you, your partner has thrown to the wind everything you’ve been through together. Especially everything you’ve done to keep the relationship strong and happy.
In other words, everything about you HAS BEEN IGNORED by your partner. What could still be a better, and SANER, reason to go on with the relationship? Think about it, AS HARD AS YOU COULD.
Easier said than done? I’ll still agree. Bur consider these:
If you forgive your cheating partner, there’s NO REAL GUARANTEE it won’t happen again. REGARDLESS of how and what kind of promises will be made to you!
Be REALISTIC, guys. As they say in showbiz, MAGPAKATUTOO KAYO!
Forgiving may be divine, as the Bible says. But when it comes to love, eight out of 10 times forgiving FURTHER EMBOLDENS cheating partners.
Your partner will definitely think “Oh, so I can get away with it with just a few teardrops and an hour or two of sweet nothings” There goes not only the respect for you but more importantly, YOUR DIGNITY.
If you’ll give your cheating partner a second chance, just be sure of two things: You can take, and endure, the repercussions of being looked down on as a SUCKER and you’re tough enough to withstand a more painful form of cheating that will come next.
Otherwise, you’ll only have two places to end up in: the HOSPITAL (regular or mental) or the GRAVEYARD! 30
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