Sunday, August 28, 2011


A personal friend of mine was asked by her friend what is Acceptance in loving, and how important is it.

First of all, Acceptance is not simply saying you love the other person too and will now start an affair with him or her.

When you say you accept and love somebody, you take on that person for what he or she is. As an old song goes, not for what you want him or her to be, first.

Whether or not she’s from the poorest of the poor, a child born out of wedlock, a drunkard or chain smoker, a gambler, unschooled or an undergraduate, from a broken home and whatever else one can think of.

You enter into a relationship with that person without first waiting for these vices or, shall we say unusual, situations to disappear or be remedied. That is Acceptance.

Once the affair starts, that’s the time you can try helping that person remove the vices by whatever means possible.  Being the partner, you have all the right to do so.

In the case of poverty or being a bastard child, KEEP IN MIND that it’s NOT YOUR LOVER’S FAULT, that he or she did not choose to be born poor or out of wedlock, or have a broken family.

And if you really accept your lover for what he or she is, you will be content with and live up to the limitations or abnormalities in life brought about by his or her social status.  If necessary, you will adjust and sacrifice.


Scores of people worldwide overlook these realities of acceptance when they enter into a relationship, or even marriage.

Some start living beyond the means provided by their partners. Others get fed up with their lover’s vices or low IQs. Arguments and fights erupt ad eventually, the relationship ends, on unpleasant terms.


Bottom line, boys and girls: Before you start out with anybody, be 1001 percent sure that you are realty accepting the other person, as in you can live with anything and everything that will follow.
If you think you have to, consult other people first – your parents or siblings, relatives. close friends, parish priest or whoever you consider as your spiritual adviser.


Remember, IT’S YOU who will have a miserable love life or married life. Not your brother or sister, your best friend, or even your neighbor. 30

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