Tuesday, September 20, 2011


One of our readers from Binan, Laguna is asking for enlightenment on whether or not her boyfriend really loves her.

She has a cyst that needs to be examined immediately but she still needs to save for it. She has mentioned this to her businessman boyfriend but he hasn’t done anything to help her.

He wouldn’t even bring her to the doctor, or ask one of his staff to accompany her for a thorough examination.

So I bluntly told her: He doesn’t love. He only wants sex.

Remember this, girls: If your lover is not concerned about you, HE DOESN’T LOVE YOU. He’s just EXPLOITING YOU. Concern automatically goes with love.

That should be UNCONDITIONAL. And he’s really concerned about you:

If he looks after you when you’re sick. He visits and watches over you for as often and as long as possible, and takes the initiative in buying or helping you with your medicine and food.

If you need a check-up, he volunteers to accompany you whenever he’s available or incessantly prods you to see your doctor as soon as possible even if he’s not around.

If you need financial assistance and he can afford it, he won’t have second thoughts in helping you.

If he never leaves your side whenever there’s a problem.

If he thinks he can help solve it, he’ll act on his own without you asking him. If he can’t do anything, he’ll still be beside you even if only for moral support.

If he acts to help you achieve your goals or ambitions, even if you’re not asking for assistance.

If he never fails to remind you of things you should do, for your job or taking your medicine and eating on time, if you’re not together.

If he’s consistent in advising you on what to avoid or what you shouldn’t get into because it might get you into trouble.

If the priority in the relationship is what’s good for you, and not what he wants from you.

If he asks you to stay put wherever you are until he arrives if the weather is terrible or it’s too late for you to go home alone. If he can’t make it due to circumstances beyond his control, he’ll teach you what to do call you constantly until you’re home safe.

You have found Mr. Right if this is how your lover treats and values you.

But if what is happening is the opposite – if he has time, and money, for what he wants from you but none for what you need, even for your health; if you’re on your own in times of distress but he’s there if he wants to fuck -- then you’re in VERY DEEP TROUBLE.

You’re not his sweetheart. You’re just a sex toy, or a substitute for whatever if his true girlfriend, his true love, can’t be with him.


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