Monday, August 15, 2011


Our friend, Weng Saldi of Montreal, Quenec, Canada is curious about how to keep a long-distance relationship burning with love.

Long-distance relationships end usually because one of the partners missed the other too much that his or her attention was caught by somebody else’s.

If you want your long-distance relationship to work and last, consider the following:

As I always say, pray. Pray for guidance on how you can keep the relationship burning, and spiritual strength to keep your eyes to yourself.

ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, make your presence FELT.

Text your partner at least once a day, even if only to say “I love you” and have been missing him or her a lot. Better yet, chat with your partner just as frequent through the Internet, whether at home or at the Net shop, if you can.

Loneliness and longing are IMMEASURABLY eased by regular communication. More importantly, it reassures your partner of your love, that it’s or her you’re waiting for and no one else.

So keep your mobile phones and other communication lines open 24 hours a day.  You can never tell when your partner will make a surprise call.

If you have the time, and the money, surprise your partner with something from your end  even once in a while. Let me suggest – his or her favorite foodstuff or sweets or personal care needs if they’re cheaper from your end. It’s not the item but the thoughtfulness which will count.

To further endear you to your lover, check on his or her loved ones regularly.

Take your partner’s place in the family. Greet and join them in their special occasions, or simply n their moments of longing for your partner.

Help voluntarily in any way you can with their problems.

Refer them to the right connections if you know any or accompany them to people and places they have to go to in addressing the situation.

Not only will your partner love you more, you‘ll solidly win the family over to your side and make life with them easier for you.

Just one thing:  DON’T BE OVERLY POSSESSIVE OR INSECURE with your partner while he or she’s away. Everything you do will be meaningless and USELESS.

You will only be digging up the grave for your relationship. 30

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