Monday, October 31, 2011


Before anything else, please accept my prayers for all your departed loved ones. May they rest in the eternal peace and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

And since it’s All Saints’ Day, let us remember them not just for the memories but with LOVE. Not just today but every single day of our lives.

Nobody is perfect. So let’s just think of the good things they had left behind for us, from lessons in life to whatever material possessions they had worked for to give us a better life.

Think of their unfulfilled dreams, and unfinished projects, for the family. Pursue and implement these as soon as possible and to the best of your ability.

If they have a legacy or a charitable undertaking, carry on with it for as long as you can.

Live by the lessons in life that they had taught you, and the discipline they had raised you with. Pass and enforce these on your kids and the rest of the family.

Overall, think of what would have made them happy had they still been alive today, then DO IT.

Our dearly departed will be more at peace wherever they are. Simply because they will see that you’re living the life they had wanted for you, a righteous and God-centered existence both for you and the rest of the family.

In life and in death, our dearly departed had wanted nothing less than that.

Trust me, boys and girls, they would be happier from the Great Beyond if we pay homage to them IN DEED and not just in memory. 30 

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